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    Business Expansion Strategy for Yoghurtology Frozen Yoghurt Shop

    University: University of Queensland

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 6 / Words 1397
    • Paper Type: Minor Case Study
    • Course Code: BMGT3001S
    • Downloads: 772
    Question :

    This assessment will cover the following questions :

    • Explain the partnership as the type of the business organisation  in the context of “Yoghurtlogy” frozen yoghurt business.
    • Use Porter's 5 forces framework to evaluate the “Yoghurtlogy” frozen yoghurt business and advice how to attain the  competitive advantage.
    • Yoghurt Frozen business provides yogurt and puddings. Explain the micro- environment factors that impact the working of the organisation.
    Answer :


    Marketing is the process of attracting, interesting potential customers for the purpose of buying products and services. This contains research, promotion, selling and distribution of products which are prepared according to customers. This is important for business organisation to know needs and wants of their targeted customers and provide that kind of goods. The main aim behind marketing is to provide information about new products and increase the organisational sale (Keers and van Fenema, 2018). This report is based on Yoghurtology Frozen Yoghurt Shop that states how organisation is growing. This report covers different topics such as evaluation of partnership, porter's five forces to analyse “Yoghurtlogy” frozen yoghurt business and macro environmental factors that can help to improve Frozen Yoghurt business.

    Main Body

    Overview of case study

    Frank Jones and Peter Jackson are partner who has started their business of frozen Yoghurt shop about 18 months ago. This is an ice cream parlour which people likes and get attracted more. Both partner have contributed £30,000 which secured the 3 year lease on a shop. Some working capital to assure they can pay suppliers and have enough stock. The location of this shop is Bullring centre which is large shopping centre in Birmingham city. Both are having good experience of hospitality sector which helped to set this business (Zeldin and et. al., 2017). Now they wants to improve their business more by supplying their product more at low prices with good quality.

    1. Evaluation of partnership

    The term of business is related with activities and decisions which made by individuals to run their business and increase productivity. Business can be develop by earning profit and understanding the needs of society which guides which products and services are in demand and how it can improve their business. The classification of business organisation is defined below:

    2. Use of Porter's 5 Forces framework

    Porter five forces is a framework that consider competitive forces and provide shape to sector and supports an organisation to run their business. Yoghurt shop is an ice cream parlour style shop that specialize in selling the products. Entrepreneurs has seen the competition in market and use porter's model to gain the competitive advantages such as:

    Sole proprietorship – In this business is set up or conducted by an individual by arranging capital and resources. All control and decision making activities are run by such person and loss or profits also get by them (Vigo and et. al., 2019).

    Partnership – This consist collection of two and more people who start their business together by sharing capital and other resources in decided ration. Profits and loss are also distributed in their ratio.

    Corporation – This is a form of business that has separate legal entity from its owner. All stakeholder and staff have interest in this organisation who works and get return. This run by director or manager who have authority and responsibility to take decision on behalf of organisation.

    In above case study Frank Jones and Peter Jackson are running their business strategy under a partnership in which both have contributed capital and other resources in their decided ratio. Both partner are skilled and experienced in Hospital industry which help them to make right decision and they also interacted with people that increased their knowledge. The Yoghurt Frozen shop are following partnership rules and regulation which gives more advantages and make profits . 

    Competitive rivalry – In business industry there are many organisation who are competitor of each other and trying to be largest company. The competitive rivalry in context to Yoghurt Frozen is high as Baskin Robbins, Fan Food, red mango and Pinberry who are providing products and creating competition that can impact on business operation of Yoghurt Frozen.

    Threat of substitute – This means uses of another products in case of increase in demand and prices of particular product. In context to Yoghurt Frozen threat of substitution is low which is beneficial for chosen organisation as it can sell its products in increasing number and make profits (Cummings and et. al., 2016).

    Threat of new entrants – This means freedom to enter in to new market and set their own business which can be competitive for existing business. In context to Yoghurt Business, this is high as any one can enter in to market and free to set their business because it require limited amounts and resources to start that impacts on Yoghurt business like selling ratio can be reduce.

    Bargaining power of buyers – This means pressure of customers to get them high quality of product and services ta lower prices. In context to Yoghurt, bargaining power of customers is low which helps Frozen to improve their business by selling their qualitative products and their setting prices. They mainly targeted to people who likes ice cream and others and wants to spend their vacations well (Sivers, 2018).

    Bargaining power of suppliers – This means pressure on suppliers to provide material and products at low prices with quality that increases organisational productivity by improving business. In Brimingham, there are many suppliers who sells material at different prices. This is advantageous for Yoghurt Frozen to get raw material at lower prices with good quality that can help to improve the business performance (Türker Ahi and Yildiz, 2018).

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    Advise and relationship

    From the above it advised to Frank and Peter to use this model that will help to improve their business as there are many suppliers in Brimingham from them they can buy material at lower price with better quality, there is less substitution and many competitors. To become leading organisation it has to adopt this model and need to provide better quality of products at low prices which are related with each other and help to improve business (Perreault, 2018).

    3. Three macro environmental factor

    In business environment, there are many factors which can use by Frozen Yoghurt business to improve their business that are as defined:

    Economical factor – This is effective factor which can be used by Frozen by providing products at economic prices as customers wants that can help to increase number of customers as well as profitability. Under this, Peter and Frozen has to set up low prices of their products that increases more customers and also increase organisational productivity.

    Social factor – Needs and wants of people are changing day by day where organisation need to participate in social activities and know people's interests that can helps to improve the business organisation. As Yoghurt Frozen, know people wants better quality of ice cream and other products at reasonable cost which become preference for organisation to produce them and provide in order to improve their business (Aithal, 2017).

    Legal factor – This is also important factor which need to follow by organisation and increase trust and creditability. Peter and Frank has started their business by following the legal rules and partnership deed which to run business. Moreover, by following equal payment, anti discrimination and labour law Yoghurt Frozen business can be improve and also increase production and distribution level with the help of skilled and experienced employees (Song and et. al., 2018).


    From the above discussion it can be concluded that partnership is also a form of business where two and more partner make decision to start business by following partnership rules. Herein, capital and resources are arranged by all partners and profits also share according to shared ratio. Porter forces model helps organisation to take competitive advantages and make profits. Macro environmental factor are used to improve their business by reducing negative impacts.

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